Fair Trade

100 Under $100
Small investments can go a long way in the developing world. Author (and DFW Chapter Leader) Betsy Teutsch shares 100 successful, proven ways to fight poverty. The book includes actions individuals can take to help. Several DFW-supported programs are featured, including Gardens for Health International, Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), Midwives for Haiti, One Acre Fund, and Stove Team. Dining for Women will receive 30% of the purchase price (minus transaction fees) when you order your copy of100 Under $100: One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women through this link. Books will be signed by the author and will come with a bookmark listing all of the DFW programs highlighted. Multiple books can be shipped together by special arrangement. $29.95. Offer expires 3/15/17.

Child’s Cup Full
Child’s Cup Full is a 501(c)3 nonprofit social enterprise that aims to create social change within refugee communities through business opportunity. CCF is based in the northern West Bank, where we train and employ refugee and low-income women artisans to make beautiful, handmade children’s toys. Proceeds from all product sales are used to pay the artisans’ salaries, to expand the project by hiring more refugee women, and to one day create early childhood development programs for the refugee children. Your purchases will help refugee women build careers and support their families and their communities, and DFW will receive 10% of all sales by selecting Dining for Women as how you heard about ChildsCupFull.org when you checkout. Offer expires 10/5/17.

Brothers in Hope: The Story of the Lost Boys of Sudan
By Mary Williams
Children’s book – recommended by iACT. From Amazon: A young boy unites with thousands of other orphaned boys to walk to safety in a refugee camp in another country, after war destroys their villages in southern Sudan. Based on true events.

Tears of the Desert: A Memoir of Survival in Darfur
By Halima Bashier
Recommended by iACT. From Amazon: Born into the Zaghawa tribe in the Sudanese desert, Halima Bashir received a good education away from her rural surroundings (thanks to her doting, politically astute father) and at twenty-four became her village’s first formal doctor. Yet not even Bashir’s degree could protect her from the encroaching conflict that would consume her homeland.

Darfuri Traditions: The Darfur Archives is a project undertaken by Mia Farrow to help document and preserve the rich cultural traditions and heritage of the Darfuri people. In 2010, Ms. Farrow Ms. Farrow, who has traveled to Darfur and surrounding areas 15 times, began a campaign to record the endangered traditions of the Fur, Masaalit, and Zaghawa peoples of Darfur.

PBS Frontline: On Our Watch
The world vowed “never again” after the genocide in Rwanda and the atrocities in Srebrenica, Bosnia. Then came Darfur.

Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign To Save Darfur
(Note: one song contains explicit lyrics)
Available on Amazon streaming or $11.99 MP3

We Are All Connected: Berklee College of Music Reaches Out to the Women of Darfur
Available on Amazon streaming or $8.99 MP3