African Millennium Foundation

Location: Kenya
Grant Amount: $5,242
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Economic Sustainability
Mission of African Millennium Foundation
The mission of AMF is to extend grants and services to women lead grassroots organizations in Africa as a means of promoting economic, social and human development.
The Mission of GBM is to empower individuals worldwide to protect the environment and to promote good governance and cultures of peace.
African Millennium Foundation (AMF) targets poverty at its very root by providing African women with thenecessary tools for achieving selfsufficiency, through implementation of micro credit programs. AMF is a former Dining for Women (DFW) program recipient, who is planning an October 2006 fund raising dinner for the Green Belt Movement (GBM). GBM provides income and sustenance to millions of people in Kenya through the planting of trees. They also conduct educational campaigns to raise awareness for women's rights, civic empowerment, and the environment throughout Kenya and Africa. GBM's core projects in Kenya involve five areas, one of which is Women for Change (Capacity Building). Together, GBM and AMF want to raise $100,000 to help GBM further their mission. DFW will be giving through the AMF fund raising effort to support GBM's Women for Change project, Women and Girls.
Why We Love This
In the last few years, the GBM has been organizing a stronger effort to raise funds for the Women for Change program. DFW stands behind the program, which aims include: assisting young girls and women to face the challenges of growing up, making complex decisions about sexual and reproductive health, and gaining knowledge and skills to protect themselves from HIV and AIDS; facilitating the establishment of income generating activities such as tree planting, bee keeping and food processing to engender economic empowerment; and promoting healthy eating habits, especially of indigenous food crops known to have high nutritional value, through food production and processing.
Location Map