Legacy Giving

Help build a future where every woman and girl has the opportunity to live freely, pursue her dreams, and reach her full potential. With your generosity, a legacy gift has the power to change the lives of women and girls around the world for generations to come. Legacy giving or planned giving does not require a large income or vast estate, but is a thoughtful intention to support Together Women Rise after your lifetime. Legacy giving can also provide significant tax benefits. Here are some ways to leave a legacy gift to support Together Women Rise.

A Gift in Your Will or Trust

The most common and simplest form of planned giving, a bequest is a gift made through a donor’s will or trust.

  • You retain control of your assets during your lifetime. These gifts cost nothing at this time.
  • You choose the amount. There is no minimum contribution required.
  • You can provide for loved ones while also supporting Together Women Rise. You can put your family first by stating, “If my partner survives me, then I leave my entire estate to my partner. If my partner does not survive me, then I leave my estate as follows…”
  • You can stay flexible by using percentages. For example, “I give to Together Women Rise 50% of my residuary estate to be used for general purposes.”
  • You may change your plans at any time.
  • You can remain anonymous.
  • You can leave a gift in honor or memory of someone special.

To make your bequest to Together Women Rise, please use the following language in your will:


Life Insurance

A gift of whole life insurance can be made to Together Women Rise by naming Together Women Rise the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of the policy.

Update your policy at any time by requesting a beneficiary designation form from your account administrator. You can designate Together Women Rise as a partial, contingent, or sole beneficiary of your account.

Other Types of Legacy Gifts

There any many ways to support Together Women Rise in perpetuity. Other types of legacy gifts include charitable lead trusts, charitable remainder trusts, and gift annuities. Interested in learning more? Speak with your financial advisor or reach out to our Director of Development Kaitlyn Grigsby-Hall at kaitlyn@togetherwomenrise.org or 864-844-8556.

Together Women Rise Legacy Society

The Together Women Rise Legacy Society serves as an example or inspiration for others who may not realize the tremendous opportunity their own planning might offer for charitable giving. Together Women Rise gratefully acknowledges Legacy Society members who have included Together Women Rise in their will, trust, or other charitable planned gifts. As a member of the Legacy Society, you find yourself among a circle of friends dedicated to supporting the work of Together Women Rise in perpetuity.

If you have already included Together Women Rise in your estate plans, it would be our honor to personally thank you and welcome you into the Legacy Society. Please Please complete this FORM or reach out to our Director of Development at kaitlyn@togetherwomenrise.org to let us know about your plans.

This information is not intended as tax or legal advice. We recommend that you consult with your financial/legal advisors to learn how a gift would work in your circumstances.

For more information on legacy giving, please contact our Director of Development Kaitlyn Grigsby-Hall at kaitlyn@togethewomenrise.org or 864-844-8556.