Kenya Self-Help Project

Location: Kenya
Grant Amount: $44,990 (over 2 years)
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Health, Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy
Mission of Kenya Self-Help Project
The mission of Kenya Self-Help Project is to improve the social and economic future of Kendu Bay children through school-based programs that promote gender equity and advance education opportunity.
The project aims to provide an integrated, in-school program of Girls Club education, life skills training and material support to improve health awareness, school retention and the class performance of 3,400 girls.
Why We Love This
We love the focus on young girls and the inclusion of widows in this project, as well as the focus on breaking menstrual taboos and providing opportunities for girls to debate. The monitoring and evaluation of this project is good, with a proven record of success and an emphasis on community service.
Location Map