One Acre Fund

Location: Rwanda
Additional Information
Updated images from One Acre Fund (5/13/15)
Grant Amount: $18,437.30
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action, Economic Sustainability
Mission of One Acre Fund
To empower chronically hungry farm families in East Africa to permanently lift themselves out of hunger and poverty.
One Acre Fund helps one-acre subsistence farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa – one of the largest groups of "forgotten poor" in the world. When entering a new community, One Acre Fund mobilizes existing self-help groups, and consolidates 100+ farmers into a farm producer group. A field officer in each group, administers program services: group formation, contract signing for credit, local farm input distribution, education, and receipt of repayment. In order to maximize efficiency and minimize losses, One Acre Fund provides fertilizer and environmentally-sensitive planting materials. The revenue from crop sales creates a savings-and-investment cycle that leads to self-driven, permanent elimination of hunger. Funds raised from Dining for Women will purchase bundles of seed and fertilizer necessary for Rwandan families that One Acre Fund will enroll in their program this coming October.
Why We Love This
One Acre Fund helps women and families lift themselves out of poverty by increasing their farming skills set—providing material resources such as appropriate seed and fertilizer and crop insurance –and facilitating greater market reach. They provide a complete, functioning market system–-making it possible for even the poorest and most rural farmer to generate more income, and permanently solve their own hunger problems.
Location Map