Shem Women’s Group

Project Title: Shem Women's Group

Location: China

Grant Amount: $20,784.80

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action

Mission of Shem Women’s Group
To empower Tibetan women and their communities through grassroots development.

Shem Women's Group increases the well-being of people in impoverished communities by providing accessto basic needs such as water, fuel, electricity, health care, and education. They fulfill their mission by training educated Tibetan women to design, implement, and manage sustainable grassroots development projects that will successfully alleviate the problems that their communities face. Dining for Women (DFW) will provide solar-generating electricity panels to 90 households in the Cuozhou, Jiajia, and Duojia townships and 50 solar-generating electricity panels to Jasta Village (all in Qinghai Province).

Why We Love This
DFW is particularly impressed that Tibetan women actually design the projects that Shem implements. The fact that educated Tibetan women are acting as the change agents is very exciting; everyone benefits in this model, the young women planning and implementing the projects and the villagers. DFW is glad to partner with such a holistic and grassroots approach to development. With panels provided by DFW's donations, families can save the expense of candles and kerosene, which is more than 200rmb (10% of the average family income). This project will generate local income by permitting more work to be done at night and improve participants’ health conditions by drastically reducing the amount of kerosene smoke in their households.

Location Map