WISER International

Project Title: Build the Sexual, Economic, and Interpersonal Agency of Girls in Rural Kenya

Location: Kenya

Grant Amount: $49,402

Grantee Website: www.wisergirls.org/

Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy

Mission of WISER International
WISER works with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence by creating environments that empower young women to drive change in their communities.

The purpose of the project is to build the sexual, economic, and interpersonal agency of 975 girls in rural Kenya through experiential learning, leadership development, and reproductive health education in a healthy and empowering environment.

Why We Love This
We love WISER’s focus and outreach to vulnerable at-risk adolescent girls across rural Kenya in their offering of a holistic high quality education. This project builds on the sexual, economic, and interpersonal agency of 975 girls in rural Kenya through experiential learning, leadership development, and reproductive health education in a healthy and empowering environment.


Location Map