Women’s Global Education Project

Project Title: Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) through Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) and Community Engagement

Location: Kenya

Grant Amount: $47,766 (over two years)

Grantee Website: womensglobal.org/

Areas of Impact: Health, Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality

Mission of Women’s Global Education Project
The mission of WGEP is to provide access to education and develop training programs that empower women and girls to build healthy and productive communities.

The purpose of the project is to eradicate FGM/C through an expansion of WGEP’S education and engagement activities, including its Alternative Rites of Passage program.

Why We Love This
We love WGEP’s focus on marginalized girls in rural Kenya who are at risk for FGM/C. WGEP combats FGM/C by focusing on community sensitization, youth education and providing a healthy alternative to this harmful practice through its Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) program.


Location Map