Fair Trade

FairTrade Caravans is a social enterprise believing in people and planet before profit and passionate about the way fundraising is done and how products are purchased. It partners with schools and nonprofits giving back 25 percent of sales while supporting artisans and farmers around the world. Its fair trade products are made or grown with no child labor and with fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainable practices, ensuring that the producers – many of whom are women – have the opportunity to better themselves, their families, and their communities. Together Women Rise will receive 25 percent of all sales purchased through this link. This offer expires April 30, 2023.

By Henry R. Ole Kulet
From Too Young to Wed: Blossoms of the Savannah is an account of two sisters, Taiyo and Resian, who are not only on the verge of womanhood, but are torn between their personal ambitions and their duty to the Nasila tradition. Their relocation to their rural home heralds a cultural alienation born of their refusal to succumb to Female Genital Mutilation and early marriages. In pursuit of the delicate and elusive social-economic and cultural balance in Nasila, Ole Kaelo, the girls’ father, is ensnared by a corrupt extortionist, Oloisudori Lonkiyaa. To extricate himself, Ole Kaelo sends his daughters into a labyrinth from which they have to struggle to escape. In this narrative, the author captures the reader’s imagination as he traces the girls’ excruciatingly painful steps to victory.

By Margaret K. Ogola
From Too Young to Wed: An epic story spanning cultures, it tells the lives of three generations of women. It traces the story of Akoko in her rich traditional Luo setting, through to the children who live and die in the 20th century.

This series features a variety of spots of in Kenya, including Episode 12 – Lake Turkana: Land of the Crocodile. Available on Amazon.

From Amazon: This powerful, unflinching series documents the challenges of protecting Africa’s most iconic and critically endangered species. Join brave Kenyan rangers as they engage in a daily battle of wits to ensure the safety of the animals they look after.

From Too Young to Wed: This group consists of 4 musicians, focusing on Afro-pop music. Their music is internationally acclaimed and celebrated.

From Too Young to Wed: He stays a prominent figure in the Kenyan music industry with two African music grants to his name in addition to different nominations.