
Project Title: Komera
Location: Rwanda
Grant Amount: $35,000
Grantee Website: komera.org
Areas of Impact: Gender Equality, Economic Sustainability, Safety and Security
Mission of Komera
Komera develops self-confident young women through education, community development, and health.
There are many issues contributing to unwanted teenage pregnancies in Rwanda. Many health centers have services available for teenagers; however, there is a reluctance to enter into the health centers and ask for contraceptives and sexual reproductive health information. This project’s main goals are to provide a pathway out of poverty for both teen mothers and vulnerable adolescent girls. Interventions are designed to transform their futures through education on sexual reproductive health and women’s rights, access to family planning and resources, and working to change negative stereotypes that limit women from reaching their full potential.
Why We Love This
Komera means strong and courageous in the local language. This project emphasizes self-confidence and building agency and leadership in the target population. Komera fosters behavioral change, knowledge attainment, economic empowerment, and skill building for adolescent girls and teenage mothers to build strong families and communities.
Location Map