You Did It Again!

You Did It Again!

Even during a year in which the United States suffered through 16 weather and climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each, you, our members, showed up each month to support Dining for Women.  Thanks to your record-breaking donations, in 2017 we were able to fund grants and partnerships that directly impacted the lives of nearly 40,000 women and girls in 18 countries around the world. Details

A Dining for Women Chapter in Every City

It was such an honor to receive the baton of leadership from Barb Collins in November.  As Dining for Women’s new board chair, I follow in the footsteps of Barb and Marsha Wallace, who dreamed of making a difference for marginalized women and girls around the world.  What a difference they, and this organization they co-founded, have made in the past 14 years. Details