Change Up Your Meetings By Taking Them Outside
By Ruth Bates, Northeast Region Mentor and member of the Chapter Health and Retention Committee
Do you feel like your meetings sometimes get a little monotonous? Do you have a month when you can’t find someone willing to host your chapter meeting? My chapter had that happen early last summer. Historically, certain members have volunteered for specific months for many years running. Last year in June, we suddenly found ourselves without a host. Our perennial host and chapter leader found herself in the midst of a family relocation. We had to be creative to solve this change in plans.
We decided to do something different and hold the meeting at a local park. We reserved a shelter because in upstate NY, rain is always a consideration! We used Evite to let everyone know where we were going to be. Although we were unable to show the Featured Grantee video, we discussed the project and shared information about Dining for Women.
It was a great way to freshen up our meeting – a little bit more informal and definitely more relaxing, since no one had to host. We planned ahead and someone brought picnic products rather than a dish. As at any DFW meeting I’ve ever attended, there was more than enough food for dinner. And the camaraderie was wonderful.
If your meetings are feeling a little ordinary, think about taking it outside or somewhere different for your next meeting. Although we chose a park, other chapters have chosen a lake, a restaurant, or a different time of day such as brunch. There are many options to choose from to enhance your DFW experience.