DFW contingent joins Oxfam IWD conference
First event for Marsha Wallace as a Sister on the Planet
Marsha Wallace leads DFW group to Oxfam conference for International Womens’ Day. It’s her first event as a Sister on the Planet Ambassador.

DFW Co-Founder Marsha Wallace, center, with a contingent of DFW leaders and friends in Boston, MA, for the Oxfam #IWD2015 conference.
By Laura Haight
DFW Communications

The Boston, MA, conference celebrating International Women’s Day focuses on education and awareness about social and environmental problems related to large scale projects, such as gas and oil pipelines. And the concerns that the money countries gain from these projects does not go toward the betterment of education, health-care and agriculture, but are sent out of the country. The conference is exploring how women around the world are impacted by these projects and what organizations in the US — like Oxfam’s Sisters on the Planet — can do to support them.
The conference marks Marsha’s first Oxfam event since becoming a Sisters on the Planet Ambassador.
— Marsha Wallace, DFW Co-Founder
Nearly 300 influential women — leaders in government and politics, CEOs, nonprofit leaders, religious leaders and social activists — make up the sisterhood which is united by a straightforward mission: to use their influence to right the wrongs of poverty, hunger, and injustice, with a particular focus on empowering women globally.
“I am honored to join Oxfam as a Sister on the Planet ambassador We are united in our desire to use our voices to create a more just and equitable world for women,” Marsha said, “Collaboration is part of the DFW culture, so this is a relationship that aligns well with our organizational goals as well as my personal vision and passion.”
The organization is dynamic and a powerful base for advocacy. Ambassadors volunteer, advocate and engage in a number of ways — hosting events, speaking at conferences, joining advocacy efforts, traveling with Oxfam and helping with fundraisers, according to Oxfam Alliances Manager Mary Marchal. Collectively their voices are bold and powerful. Recent efforts included urging President Obama to continue humanitarian aid in Syria and increase efforts leading to an end to violence in the conflict-torn region; and advocating for reforms to US food aid and support for international efforts to support small-scale women farmers.
“I share OXFAM’s belief that we can alleviate poverty by addressing the injustices that keep women oppressed. I am eager to add my voice to the other Sisters on the Planet Ambassadors to advocate for a world where women are valued and given opportunities to live self-determined lives,” Marsha said as she was preparing to lead the DFW delegation to Boston where she’ll do just that.
Learn more about Sisters on the Planet
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