
Together Women Rise awarded Equimundo a Transformation Partnership Grant in the amount of $100,000 per year for two years (2022 and 2023). With this partnership, our Rise community will be part of a movement that engages men and boys to be equal partners, assists men and boys to live out diverse, equitable, and healthy masculinities, and prevents gender-based violence.


Watch Together Women Rise’s interview with Melissa Wong Ovied, Senior Programs Officer with Equimundo.


Achieving gender equality will require significant changes in social norms. Changes in social norms relate to how we think, talk, work, raise our children, organize our social lives, and more. To achieve these changes in social norms, we cannot just work with women. We MUST work with men as well. It is neither possible nor desirable to work with only half the population and think we can make progress.

This is where Equimundo comes in. Equimundo is the premiere global organization working to engage men and boys as allies in gender equality, promote healthy manhood, and prevent violence. Equimundo works to promote nurturing, non-violent, equitable masculinity. They offer lessons about how to reform the care economy more equitably; they create videos for boys showing healthier role models; they conduct critical research to better understand social change around gender; they circulate effective social media messages about new roles for men and boys, and so much more.

Equimundo’s major areas of focus are:

  • Equity of care – working to achieve equitable distribution of care and promote caring versions of masculinity. Globally, women carry out more than three times the hands-on care of children and households compared to men. The equal contribution of men to daily care work is necessary for full equality for women, for the well-being of children, for men themselves, and for healthy, just, nonviolent societies.
  • Gender socialization – promoting environments that support boys and young men to live out diverse, equitable, and healthy masculinities.
  • Prevention of violence – working to prevent violence carried out by men and boys and perpetuated by harmful versions of masculinity.
  • Thought lab – carrying out research on new and emerging themes related to masculinity, social justice, and structural inequality.

Impact Reports & Updates

Update Report – November 2023


Additional Resources

Impact Report 2023

A Year in Review 2022

“Who Cares About America’s Male Caregivers” report