Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice

Together Women Rise (Rise) and Equimundo share a core belief: that men and boys are essential partners and allies in achieving global gender equality. That is why Rise selected Equimundo to receive a Transformation Partnership Grant in the amount of $200,000, over two years, in order to further Equimundo’s critical work around the globe.

“If we are to make lasting inroads in improving the lives of women and girls, we must engage men and boys in the fight for gender equality,” says Beverley Francis-Gibson, Rise’s CEO. “Equimundo has a proven track record in developing, evaluating and scaling up programs and policies that make a difference in the lives of families, communities, and nations. All of the burden of change should not be on the shoulders of women and girls but should be shared equally by men and boys.”

Special note: Gary Barker, President and CEO of Equimundo will be one of the keynote speakers for Rise’s 20th anniversary event in Washington, DC on November 4th. Click here for more info and to register to attend.

Since 2011, Equimundo has worked internationally and in the U.S. to engage men and boys as allies in gender equality, promote healthy manhood, and prevent violence. Equimundo envisions all people living in a caring, nonviolent, and gender-equitable world.

In partnership with women’s rights and social justice movements, Equimundo’s works to influence key institutions in our societies that shape and are shaped by inequitable norms of masculinity and gender inequality.

Equimundo focuses on four key pillars:

Equity of Care — to achieve equitable distribution of care and promote caring versions of men and boys. Globally, women carry out more than three times the hands-on care of children and households compared to men. The equal contribution of men to daily care work is necessary for full equality for women, for the well-being of children, for men themselves, and for healthy, just, nonviolent societies. Equimundo’s flagship advocacy effort is MenCare: A Global Fatherhood Campaign, that partners with over 100 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in 60 countries. MenCare promotes policy change to achieve men’s full engagement in unpaid care.

Gender Socialization — to promote environments that support boys and young men to live out diverse, equitable, and healthy masculinities. Equimundo’s flagship campaign is the Global Boyhood Initiative designed to support boys aged 4 to 13 and the adults in their lives with the resources they need to raise, teach, coach and set an example for boys to become men who embrace healthy masculinity and gender equality. In addition, their Manhood 2.0 is an evidence-based, group education curriculum to engage adolescent boys and young men in reflecting on harmful gender norms.

Prevention of Violence — to reduce violence carried out by men and boys and perpetuated by harmful versions of masculinity. Equimundo promotes training, adaptation, and implementation of evidence-based Program P – a gender transformative parent training program adapted in more than 15 countries. (See below for more info). They also support workplace training in sexual harassment, violence prevention, and male allyship for women’s empowerment.

Thought Lab — to conduct cutting edge research on emerging themes in masculinities. In 2022, Equimundo produced recommendations for engaging men in trauma support as a strategy to break cycles of violence, and they shared the resulting guidelines and insights with UN agencies, national governments, and NGO partners globally.

Bandebereho – An adaptation of Equimundo’s Program P in Rwanda

Bandebereho (‘role model’ in Kinyarwanda) is a fatherhood and couples’ intervention in Rwanda that exemplifies Equimundo’s model of achieving a more gender-equitable reality at scale. Implemented by the Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre, Bandebereho was designed to transform gender norms around masculinity and fatherhood and to increase male engagement in reproductive health, equal caregiving, and violence prevention. Critical reflection and dialogue introduce positive role modelling for fathers and male partners and promote new attitudes, behaviors, and skills at the individual and relationship levels.

A 6-year follow-up randomized controlled trial – the gold standard in evaluation – found that Bandebereho’s initial positive results of improved gender-equitable attitudes and behaviors were sustained over time. Compared to the control group, participants reported reduced rates of both intimate partner violence and harsh punishment against children, decreased male dominance in decision making, increased male attendance at antenatal care, and increased male participation in childcare and household tasks.

The intervention is being further scaled up across the country by the Rwandan Ministry of Health (MOH). Equimundo is providing technical assistance in the training of community health workers who are implementing the expanded program funded by the MOH.

“I thought all chores were assigned to women. I tended to do washing only if my wife was sick. Now we share all the household tasks. We started with things that are easier and less stigmatized in society.” Father, Bandebereho participant


• Watch Together Women Rise’s interview with Melissa Wong, Ovied, Senior Programs Officer with Equimundo.

• A Year in Review: Equimundo’s 2022 Impact Report (link coming)

State of the World’s Fathers: Centering Care in a World in Crisis; 2023 report highlighting data from 17 countries

MenCare video from Brazil

MenCare video from Sri Lanka

Many Ways of Being (Muchas Formas de Ser): an inclusive, youth-centered curriculum focused on gender equity, healthy relationships, and safer sex practices

Engaging Men for Gender Equity in the Workplace: a training program to engage men to be workplace gender equality champions

For more information on Together Women Rise’s Transformation Partnerships, please email Rise’s Program & Grants Manager