FAQs about Recurring Donations

You have questions, we have answers


How do I set up an automatic recurring donation?

We offer three convenient options. Chose one that works for you.

  • Postal Mail – Print this form for either credit card or bank draft and mail it to the address on the bottom.
  • Online – You can set up your own recurring credit card online by following this link.
  • Phone – call our Home Office at 864-335-8401; for credit cards, call Cindy at ext. 8562; for bank drafts, call Pam at ext. 8561.

What is most the cost effective way to give?

BANK DRAFT! Credit cards charge, on average, about 3.75 percent of the transaction amount plus a 35 cent transaction fee.  Giving a check at your chapter meeting costs about 82 cents.  Bank drafts cost only 15 cents per transaction. If you donate $20 per month, this is what Together Women Rise actually receives using the three different methods:

Automatic bank drafts — $19.85
Check at chapter meeting — $19.18
Automatic credit card payment — $18.90

This does not include the cost of Together Women Rise staff time involved in processing the donations. While staff time is minimal with bank drafts, every time a credit card number is changed due to a compromised or expired card, it costs significant staff time and lost donations to reinstate the card. With automatic bank drafts, we do not have this issue. For all these reasons, automatic bank drafts are the best way to give!

Are recurring donations a secure way to give?

Our Board of Directors Risk Management Committee conducted significant research into the security of bank drafts. They determined that our bank provides the highest level of security and are comfortable recommending it as our preferred way of giving. You can read the PCI compliance statement from our credit card processor here. All information is securely stored, and only staff setting up the transactions have access to it. We recommend that you do not send your bank account or credit card number by email, including as an attachment. Sending an expiration date or CVV by itself is fine.

What if I want to cancel or make changes?

To edit the payment information associated with your monthly donation or increase the amount, you can do so by logging in to your Classy account. If you’ve never logged in to your Classy account before, click here and then click “Forgot Password”. Enter the email associated with your donation and Classy will send you a password recovery and creation email. How to update your recurring donation

Email donations@togetherwomenrise.org to make any changes, including cancellation.  Or call our Home Office at 864-335-8401; for credit cards, call Harriet (ext. 8562) and for bank drafts, call Pam (ext. 8561).

Can I update my credit card expiration date online?

To edit the payment information associated with your monthly donation or increase the amount, you can do so by logging in to your Classy account. If you’ve never logged in to your Classy account before, click here and then click “Forgot Password”. Enter the email associated with your donation and Classy will send you a password recovery and creation email. How to update your recurring donation

Can I donate over the phone?

Yes, call 864-335-8401; for credit cards, call Cindy (ext, 8562) and for bank drafts, call Pam (ext. 8561).

What if I prefer to give at my chapter meetings?

Meeting in person or attending every meeting is not always possible, but Together Women Rise still needs your monthly donations.

What if I prefer to give a different amount each month based on my financial situation?

Create a recurring donation that you can stick with (there is no minimum) and then give more when you can or during our annual appeal at the end of the year.

Is there a minimum donation for automatic recurring?

No, give what you can. Our collective giving model allows individual gifts to have the greatest possible impact.  Some give as little as $5 per month.

Does my recurring donation go directly to that month grantee project?

Every donation to Together Women Rise is used to support ALL of our work to further its mission of ensuring gender equality and improving the lives of women and girls in the developing world. Donations — whether you give at your chapter meeting or through automatic giving — are not restricted to that month’s featured grantee. 

Does my chapter still get credit for my recurring donations?

Yes. Every donation you make gets credited to your chapter.

Do I need to know my member number?

No, while that is helpful, it is not required.

Which credit cards do you accept?

All major cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

Do you accept debit cards?

Most debit cards are backed by one of the major credit card companies listed above, so, yes. The cost for Rise is the same as running a credit card.

Can I choose what day the transaction runs each month?

Bank Drafts run around the 15th of each month. Credit cards run the same day it is entered each month


Email donations@togetherwomenrise.org if you have further questions or concerns.