Have Fun and Support Dining for Women with Chapter Fundraisers
By Betty Purkey-Huck, Rocky Mountain Regional Leader and Chair of the Chapter Health & Retention Committee
Want a fun way to raise money to support DFW? Have a chapter fundraiser. Fundraisers are not only a good way to raise money, they can also be a great way to build relationships and community within your chapter, spread the word about DFW locally, and possibly encourage new members to join.
On the DFW website under the “Chapter Resources” tab, you can find the Chapter Fundraising Guidelines to help you carry out a successful fundraising event. Be sure and complete the Fundraising Approval Form before you start planning your event; it can be completed and submitted online to your Regional Leader.
There are many ways you can have a fundraiser – use your own ideas and creativity! In case you need some suggestions, here are just a few of the fundraisers that other chapters have done:
Holiday Mixer Silent Auction – Several CA chapters – Monterey-1, Santa Cruz-1 and Santa Cruz-2 — banded together and held a silent auction, raffle, and sold wine to raise $5,000 for DFW’s annual appeal last year. Members solicited donations from local restaurants and also donated baskets.
Jewelry Party – The CA, Castro Valley-1 chapter held a jewelry party in March inviting friends for wine and appetizers. Southeast Regional Leader Terri Abraham’s chapter in Georgia partnered with Kendra Scott, a jewelry store, sending order forms and invitations to people online, DFW received 20% of all sales during a set time period. The Lancaster, CA chapter had a fundraiser with Alex and Ani Jewelry and they raised about $300 for DFW.
Community Shopping Events – All the Delaware chapters work with Ten Thousand Villages during the annual Christmas Holiday Sale and DFW gets 15% of sales. Wilmington 1 and 5 Delaware Chapters did gift wrapping at Barnes and Nobles book store and DFW got the money the customers paid for the wrapping service.
Partner with another Organizations – The GA, Atlanta-1 chapter hosted a dinner event last December with the Atlanta Women’s Club International. The club provided DFW with the use of their facility and fronted the costs for the event. Tickets were sold to the event, they had a silent auction, and collected donations at the tables. DFW received $6,000. Several GA chapters host dinners at their Unitarian Universalist Church and the donations go to DFW.
Garage Sale – The CA, Castro Valley-1 chapter held a garage sale and raised $600 for the annual appeal.
Facebook Fundraisers – West Regional Leader, Pat Payne, created a Facebook Fundraiser for the annual appeal and raised $900. A Chapter Leader in Santa Barbara, CA did a Facebook fundraiser for her birthday and raised $440 in 72 hours.
TV – There was a unique fundraiser in Southern California where members raised $240 by attending a the “To Tell the Truth” tv show taping.
Other Ideas — In Colorado, the Sedalia-1 Chapter had a bunco party and raised $550 for DFW. The San Jose, CA chapters organized a Holiday Craft Fair with members donating handicrafts and vendors donating items for the raffle. The craft fair raised about $3,000.
If you would like more information about any of these fundraisers, or you have questions about holding your own event, please contact Justine Allen, Member Engagement Coordinator, at justine@togetherwomenrise.org.
With the annual appeal coming up it’s a great time to have a fundraiser, but fundraisers can be held at any time of the year. Any money raised is greatly appreciated by DFW, and you and your chapter members can have a lot of fun!