Children of Vietnam

Project Title: Empowering Foundations for Women and their Children (EFWC)

Location: Vietnam

Grant Amount: $50,000

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Gender Equality, Economic Sustainability, Poverty Elimination, Safety and Security

Mission of Children of Vietnam
Changing the lives of impoverished, homeless and handicapped children in Vietnam by addressing the root causes of poverty for vulnerable populations including impoverished single mothers with dependent children.

The Empowering Foundations for Women and Their Children program (EFWC) is a special initiative to promote income sustainability for struggling single mothers. Together Women Rise will support 92 women through EFWC that will work to develop personal empowerment plans to lift families out of poverty through training, microloans, healthcare and improved housing.

Why We Love This
This is a powerful program with an individual approach as these women face a myriad of barriers that trap them in poverty. It requires a multi-faceted effort to confront the causes of poverty as a single solution often fails. EFWC will work collaboratively with each woman to develop an empowerment plan by assessing needs, identifying strengths and defining personal goals. Ultimate GOAL: for each mother to be in charge of her future and to earn a stable income that sustains the family. This organization was last funded in 2009 for $26,947.25, in 2012 for $30,049, and in 2013 for $30,049 for a total of $87,045.
