Location: Kenya
Additional Information
This was a 2014 Reserve Program
Grant Amount: $19,750
Grantee Website: daraja-academy.org
Areas of Impact: Leadership Development, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy
Mission of Daraja Educational Fund
To advocate for and advance the accessibility of quality education for all through the creation of sustainable educational models. Daraja Academy is its first project. Daraja Academy’s mission is to provide a quality secondary education to exceptional Kenyan girls because we believe educated girls can transcend poverty and change the world.
The program is to expand the academy’s Women of Integrity, Strength, and Hope program and the Grassroots Girls Club. These programs are an instrumental part of the Daraja Academy (a free boarding school for high school girls with no other means to attend secondary school) curriculum and teach the girls vital leadership skills.
Why We Love This
This Daraja Acadmy offers a free boarding school for high school girls who have no other means to complete their education. The leadership program focuses on imparting leadership skills and includes income generating activities
Location Map
What DFW’s grant will support
The Daraja Academy Grassroots Girls Program is an extension of the Women of Integrity, Strength and Hope (WISH) curriculum. Daraja Academy, in conjunction with Groots International of Kenya, has launched a small pilot program to teach girls community grassroots leadership skills. The students have requested the program include the entire student body. The objectives of the program are to teach students leadership skills and to show them how to employ those leadership skills in real life context through the development of grassroots organizations that will benefit their communities and their country.
The DFW grant will support 104 girls in the leadership program by covering staff salaries, training, supplies for income-generating activities, field trip expenses (transportation, food, water), office supplies, curriculum development, transportation to partnering organizations, and incentives for service partners.