Program Title: Empowering Sri Lankan Teen Survivors of Rape with Skills for Self-Sufficiency
Program Summary: Equip 60 girls who have survived abuse with the business acumen, life skills, and savings needed to lead healthy, self-sufficient lives.
Program Objectives:
- Bring Emerge programs to about 60 girls per year across two shelters
- Provide 48 Beads-to-Business workshops and 48 Life Skills workshops per year to each home
- Sell all jewelry produced through programs
- Open a bank account for each participant
- Provide ongoing advice and support to program alumnae
Direct Reach: 180 girls
Grant pays for:
- Beads-to-Business costs
- Life Skills costs
- Reintegration costs
- Program Celebrations, and
- Admin support
Why we love this project: This program reaches out to young girls between the ages of 10-18 who have survived abuse and have taken their perpetrators to court. A consequence of their bravery is being detained in shelters where they experience interruptions to their education and access to the world. This program offers opportunities for them to reconnect with the outside world and regain control over their destinies.
2011 Featured Grant Info
Project Title: Emerge Global
Location: Sri Lanka
Additional Information
Grant Amount: $30,902
Grantee Website: www.emergeglobal.org
Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability
Mission of Emerge Global: Featured (2011), Sustained (2015-2017)
Enables girls in Sri Lanka who have survived abuse to become entrepreneurial jewelry designers through a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes personal discovery, mentorship, and business knowledge, while simultaneously generating savings for their futures.
Teach business skills and jewelry design to abused teens in women's shelters, while building their personal savings accounts.
Location Map