Maasai Girls Education Fund

Location: Kenya
Grant Amount: $23,504
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability, Health
Mission of Maasai Girls Education Fund
To improve the literacy, health, and economic well-being of Maasai women and their families in Kenya through education of girls and their communities.
DFW will support Community Education Program workshops throughout Maasai communities that address age-old ethnic customs and beliefs contributing to early marriage, teen pregnancy, the spread of HIV, female genital cutting, and violence against women, all of which prevent girls from receiving an education and perpetuate poverty among the Maasai people. This program also includes business training workshops for rural Maasai women that will prepare them to become self-sufficient.
Why We Love This
Through this holistic approach of involving the community, adolescent Maasai girls will receive support from peers, their mothers and community mentors to address the barriers they face and encouragement to continue their education. And through the business training workshops women will gain confidence and ability to provide better health care and nutrition for their families, and afford school fees for their children.
Location Map