Mali Health

Location: Mali
Grant Amount: $45,378
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Health, Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality
Mission of Mali Health
Mali Health’s mission is to reduce maternal and child mortality in resource-poor communities in West Africa. It improves access to quality primary care at low costs, while increasing the capacity of and participation in local health systems.
The purpose of the project is to support women in joining savings groups where they meet weekly to deposit savings, share experiences, build financial skills and access loans to pay for high out-of-pocket health care expenses for their families and for income-generating activities.
Why We Love This
We love this innovative Health Savings Program, which will increase the timeliness of care, increase preventative care and support income-generating activities for women in peri-urban slums of Bamako, Mali. Mali Health has clearly demonstrated the success of this very popular program and works to increase the social capital and empowerment of the women participating in the program.
Location Map