She’s the First

Location: Worldwide
Grant Amount: $50,000
Grantee Website:
Mission of She’s the First
She’s the First teams up with grassroots leaders to make sure girls everywhere are educated, respected, and heard.
Our grant will support the work of She’s the First to ensure that girls everywhere are educated, respected and heard. This includes teaming up with grassroots, community-based organizations to provide feminist mentorship programs in the Global South for vulnerable girls. She’s The First teaches a girl how to speak up for herself in her home, school, and community, while the mentors in her life are taught practical ways to support her agency. As a result, these girls become the first women in their families to achieve amazing milestones – and they are never the last.
Why We Love This
We love this because She’s The First works with grassroots, community-based organizations to do this training and uses games to talk about uncomfortable topics. It is an impressive model – creating coalitions and designing programs for what is needed by partner organizations, like a focus on sexual reproductive health. The organization also includes girls on its board of directors.