Women for Afghan Women

Location: Afghanistan
Grant Amount: $50,000
Grantee Website: www.womenforafghanwomen.org/
Areas of Impact: Health, Gender Equality
Mission of Women for Afghan Women
Women for Afghan Women is dedicated to securing and protecting the rights of disenfranchised Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan and New York, particularly their rights to develop their individual potential, to self-determination, and to be represented in all areas of life: political, social, cultural and economic. WAW advocates for women's rights and challenges the norms that underpin gender-based violence wherever opportunities arise to influence attitudes and bring about change.
The purpose of the project is to provide critical health access and intensive support to women and girls who are survivors of gender violence in Afghanistan, pregnant, and/or new mothers.
Why We Love This
We love Women for Afghan Women’s emphasis on providing life-saving access to health services, safe shelter, and intensive support for approximately 500 young girls and women suffering from brutal instances of rape and incest, physical abuse or violence, or pregnancies and births. Their trusted presence across the country makes them a reliable service provider for women and girls.
Location Map