2c flour (all‐purpose unbleached or use 50% whole wheat)
1‐2T Berberé (2 is really spicy)
1T sugar
1/2 t salt
1/2 c water
4T sogened (room temperature) butter
Preheat oven to 350° F. Mix together dry ingredients (flour, berberé, sugar, and salt). Slowly add the
water and mix so to form a thick paste. Remove the mixture from the bowl and knead it on a lightlyfloured surface for a few minutes to form a thick dough. Add the softened butter and knead for an additional five minutes. Let the dough rest in a cool place for ten minutes. (You could also do this in your mixer or food processor.) Divide the dough into handful‐size pieces and roll these into long “pencils” not quite as thick as your small finger. Cut these rolls into pieces, each piece no longer than finger‐width. Place on a greased baking sheet. Bake 20 ‐ 30 minutes, stirring or shaking the pan a few times to prevent sticking, and checking to make sure they aren’t burning. When done, remove from oven and allow to cool completely. Store in a dry airtight container.
Notes and Instructions
This is Ethiopian snack food: crunchy, spicy, like popcorn, like peanuts, like pretzel balls. Bet you can’t eat just one! Try them as an appetizer when members arrive. These keep well (if you can keep away from them).