Kukul Mas Baduma (Roasted or Grilled Chicken)

Serves     6


2lbs. chicken parts, your choice, bone in or out, with skin or not
2 cloves garlic, minced
2T fresh ginger, minced
¼t ground black pepper
¼t ground cinnamon
large pinch ground cloves, up to 1/8t
2T vinegar (I used rice but cider or another would be fine)
4T oil
¼t sugar
¼ ‐ ½t salt (I used almost ½)
Pinch turmeric


Combine all of the ingredients from garlic through turmeric in a small bowl and mix well. Place chicken
and spice mixture into a large, leakproof plastic bag and smoosh the chicken around until the spices are
well distributed all over the chicken. Seal bag and allow to marinate for at least 2 hours or up to 8 hours,
“re‐smooshing” from time to time to make sure all the chicken has spice mix on it. Preheat grill to
medium heat. Cook chicken pieces over medium heat (indirect preferably) for approximately 40 minutes
for bone‐in, less for boneless, depending on your choice of parts, or until the juices run clear when stuck
with a fork. Thighs will take longer than breasts. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Sri Lanka

Notes and Instructions

We were in the middle of a heat wave while I while I was testing these recipes –which I guess made it more authentic since it is SO hot in Sri Lanka! Anyway, I tell you this simply to say it was too hot
to turn the oven on in the house, so I chose to grill this chicken recipe instead of cooking in the oven and it came out beautifully! hope you enjoy it.