Biggest DFW Chapter Meeting Ever!
With over 40 chapters and hundreds of individual members participating, our March 8th webcast was definitely the biggest DFW chapter meeting ever! Thank you to all who joined us and provided valuable feedback on our first attempt at live streaming. What a great way to celebrate International Women’s Day and to launch our growth strategy and 8,000 Ambassadors Campaign.
Missed the webcast? Watch the recording.

The webcast was broadcast live from DFW’s Home Office in Greenville, SC. From left: Wendy Frattolin, Communications and Membership Director; Susan Stall, Board Chair; Beth Ellen Holimon, President.

The CA, San Jose-9 chapter, led by Hannah Lineberry, was excited to meet on March 8th and be part of the largest DFW chapter meeting ever! Hannah reports that they had four new members in attendance, and they loved it! Check out the awesome cookies!

The three Weavers Way chapters in Philadelphia gathered at the Chestnut Hill library to share tea and desserts and socialize while watching the webcast. It was a great chance for the chapters to reconnect and celebrate together!

The three Fort Collins, CO chapters held a special joint meeting at the Global Village Museum in Fort Collins. Participating chapters were Fort Collins-3, led by Mary Halcomb, Fort Collins-4, led by Linda Mahan, and Fort Collins-5, led by Kendra Bartley.

The AZ, Scottsdale-3 chapter, led by Tammy Frazier and Lisa Kerley, loved seeing the welcome sign for their chapter!