The Power of Women-Led Movements for Land Rights
Rehema, a participant with Transformation Partner, Landesa, smiles as she looks down at a table of woven baskets at an open air market
Jan, 2025

The Power of Women-Led Movements for Land Rights

The Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights works globally to elevate and catalyze the voices and leadership of grassroots women and women-led organizations who are driving the movement on land rights at local and national levels to realize both gender and climate justice. Under its Transformation Partnerships grant with Together Women Rise, in 2024 the Center carried out a range of activities to help reach its goal of achieving long-term, systemic gender equality impact. 

For example, in Tanzania, a series of trainings on women’s land rights was facilitated by the Landesa Stand for Her Land team.  The trainings equipped participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to adopt transformative agroecological practices, understand women’s land rights, and leverage these tools for women’s economic empowerment.  Details

Profile on Our Transformation Partner: Equality Now

By Ellen Weiss, Transformation Partnership Writer


Together Women Rise recognizes that in order to truly achieve global gender equality, we must address the social and cultural norms, beliefs, practices, and laws that prevent women from having equal access to resources, decision-making power, and opportunity. Rise’s Transformation Partnerships are specifically designed to address the root causes of global gender inequality.

Together Women Rise has awarded a Transformation Partnership Grant in the amount of $100,000 per year for two years (2023 and 2024) to support the work of Equality Now.

Equality Now campaigns for legal and systemic change to address violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world. Since its founding in 1992, Equality Now has been a global leader in using a unique combination of legal advocacy, regional partnership-building, and community mobilization to create campaigns focused on realizing a more just and equal world for women and girls.


Click HERE to watch a short video about

Equality Now’s Theory of Change.



Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice

Together Women Rise (Rise) and Equimundo share a core belief: that men and boys are essential partners and allies in achieving global gender equality. That is why Rise selected Equimundo to receive a Transformation Partnership Grant in the amount of $200,000, over two years, in order to further Equimundo’s critical work around the globe. Details

May, 2023

Landesa: Empowering Women Through Land Rights

By Ellen Weiss, Transformation Partnerships Writer 


Imagine a world where women have equal footing. A world where the power offered by secure rights to land is shared by women and men. A world where that power is used to strengthen the livelihoods of women, their families, and their communities.  


This vision propels Landesa’s work with local, grassroots organizations in more than 50 countries.  


Founded in 1981, Landesa is a non-governmental organization that partners with governments and civil society to extend and strengthen land rights for women experiencing poverty. Stronger rights to land have the power to reduce poverty and conflict, increase economic activity, empower women, strengthen food security, and improve environmental stewardship. 

Landesa is one of Together Women Rise’s Transformation Partners. Our support of $200,000 over two years is furthering Landesa’s critical work, including Stand for Her Land — a global advocacy campaign spearheaded by Landesa to secure women’s rights to the homes they live in and the resources they care for and to engage men on the journey to equality.    


“Together Women Rise is proud to be partnering with Landesa, a trailblazing organization that is fighting to change the systems that hold women back from achieving land rights and gender justice,” says Beverley Francis-Gibson, Rise’s CEO. “Landesa has a proven track record in securing property rights for women – having worked in over 50 countries where women still encounter persistent barriers to their land rights. Land rights are part of women’s human rights and a key component of gender equality.”   

