Chapter fundraisers are a great way to support 13th Month
By Wendy Frattolin
DFW Member and Volunteer Director
Many of our chapters hold special events or activities to raise funds for the 13th Month Campaign. In addition to raising money to support DFW’s operations, local fundraising events can also be a great way to build relationships within your chapter members, spread the word about your local chapter, or encourage new members to join.
DFW has a Chapter Fundraising Toolkit that gives you information and tools to plan and carry out a successful fundraising event. Be sure to complete the Fundraising Approval Form that can easily be submitted online to your Regional Leader.
We encourage chapters to use their own ideas, creativity, enthusiasm and experience to develop and implement their fundraising activities. But it is also helpful to hear about some tried-and-true fundraisers. Here are a few examples of recent chapter fundraisers that you may want to consider. If you would like more information on any of these fundraisers, or have questions about holding your own event, please contact Wendy Frattolin, Member and Volunteer Director at wendy@togetherwomenrise.org.
Thank you to all our chapters for their hard work planning and executing their 13th Month fundraisers!
Film Showing – Our Delaware chapters recently generated about $2,000 from a special showing of the film, “Girl Rising”, with 220 people in attendance.
Yard Sale – The Boise-1, ID chapter made $765 on a yard sale.
4-K Walk – The Fontana-1, WI, chapter, pictured, made nearly $600 by holding a 4-K walk – an event they intend to make an annual effort.
Community Shopping Events – Many of our chapters have had successful events at local retailers, including Ten Thousand Villages. A percentage of sales is typically donated to DFW.
Craft Market and/or Bake Sales – The Greensboro-5, NC chapter and the San Jose-2, CA chapter have both held successful events selling crafts and baked items made by members, families and friends.
Beloved White Elephant Auction/Holiday Party – Three Philadelphia chapters are coming together for the third year to hold this really fun, festive sale of “beloved white elephants” – accessories, objets d’art and generally nice tschotchkes that all of us have trouble getting rid of, but also never wear or use.
Holiday DFW Sisterhood Social – Our Santa Cruz, CA chapters will once again hold a potluck dinner that includes fundraising with raffle baskets, wine pull and Bead for Life jewelry sale.
Bead for Life Marketplace – All DFW chapters have been invited to host a Bead for Life Marketplace to share the story of this important organization and raise money for DFW’s 13th Month Campaign. Chapters can have an online event or an in-person event, and 20% of everything sold goes to DFW. It is free for the host, easy to do and helps change lives! Go to www.beadforlife.org/host for more info and to register your marketplace. Use Promo Code DFW.