Connecticut Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of Friendship
Every third Wednesday of the month finds a dozen or so members of the CT, Torrington-1 chapter enjoying a potluck dinner and fellowship as they support their sisters around the world.
The chapter, founded by Florae Helmstetter (who is now a member of the SC, Greenville-1 chapter), recently celebrated 10 years together. It began with members of the Center Congregational Church and is currently led by Deb Pokrinchak and Jane Slaiby.
Deb and Jane said the chapter has flourished with a strong base of membership due to its friendly nature, the fact that the members feel we are helping other women, and because the fellowship and friendship of the members is so strong. Several of the members are “snow birds” who spend winters elsewhere and join in the group while they are at home. Because many members are involved in service to other causes and organizations, the leaders try to ensure that time commitments are consistent. They said the chapter has become like a family over the years. As some members have become less comfortable driving, others have even stepped up to carpool and make sure they can attend.
Jane and Deb share equally in the leadership duties, with Deb working on publicity and meeting organization, while Jane presents information about the Featured Grantee and handles discussion.
“Though DFW developed and continues because of the power of collaborative giving, it is about so much more than that,” Deb said. “Friendship is the bond that keeps our chapter strong.”