Sharing Best Practices: DFW’s Annual Appeal
By Susan Tocher, co-leader of the CO, Boulder-1 chapter
What do you love about Dining for Women? The women who belong, our connection to the world, and the hope it gives me were responses from my chapter members recently. As we gather each month, we receive these gifts which touch our hearts. The connection we feel with each other and with DFW brings each of us back. The friends we have made here, and those across the globe, enrich our lives. The smiles and laughter on the videos show us the tangible difference our gifts make to our grantees, and bring hope to us. Our interconnection becomes obvious as our awareness expands. It is a reciprocal partnership. We give to them, and they give to us. We are lifting all our members and all our recipients up.
Like many of you, I learned about Dining for Women in a “Making a Difference” segment on the NBC Evening News with Brian Williams. Immediately it was obvious that this was a perfect fit for me. Little did I know how much there was to learn, nor could I imagine the incredible support everyone connected with DFW would provide.
While exploring what I have received from DFW membership, it became obvious how much more I get than give. As a chapter leader I was never comfortable asking for donations. Now I have no hesitancy because DFW has changed me, it has changed you, and it has changed our world for thousands of girls and women. Think of the lifelong community of friends you have made, what you have learned about our world, and the hope you feel when you tell your friends about DFW. When you contribute, you help solidify the longevity of your investment.
Surprisingly enough, almost a third of the DFW annual budget is raised in the Annual Appeal. One extra donation from you helps fully fund all of our 2019 Grant obligations and Partnerships, Membership Education and Engagement, our Advocacy Programs, and the UNICEF Partnerships including the maternal and newborn health program for the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
In 2019, we expect our Featured Grants and Partnerships to directly impact the lives of 22,230 women and girls, and indirectly impact 409,360 family and community members. Since inception, we have funded more than $7 million in grants and partnerships, directly impacted more than 250,000 women and girls and 1 million family and community members, and educated more than 35,000Z global citizens, including us. We have funded more than 200 grassroots projects in over 60 countries.
Whether you give $5 or $100 you are standing up for our efforts. Please make one extra donation this year in support of the Annual Appeal. Invest in your wellbeing, while strengthening the impact and sustainability of DFW. Join together and continue to make a tangible difference in our world!