Kenya attack had little direct impact on partner programs
Dining for Women has partnered with eight programs currently operating in Kenya. We checked in on them in the wake of the horrific attack on Garissa University on April 2, 2015.

This map plots our partner programs currently operating in Kenya and the site of the attack at Garissa University.
We have several supported programs in Kenya and we worried about their safety after this week’s tragic attack at Garissa University.
We reached out to Heshima Kenya, the African Millennium Foundation, Daraja, HURU, Kakenya Center for Excellence, Maasai Girls Education Fund, Shining Hope for Communities and The BOMA Project. We have heard from a few and, as we hoped, none seem to have been directly impacted.
Still our thoughts are with those who live and work in Kenya as violence and tragedy swirls around them. Here you can see a live Twitter feed of what our Kenya programs are talking about. It’s encouraging to see that they aren’t letting this terrorism control their lives and divert their missions. In most cases, work moves on. But always with thoughts for fellow Kenyans caught in the violence.
Tweets from