New ways of thinking about Food for Thought
New content will be coming to our blog in 2015 with a fresh look at Food for Thought and issues we will be talking about.
By Chris Worthy
DFW Education Coordinator
Food for Thought is changing in 2015.
Beginning in February, Food for Thought will be incorporated in Dining for Women’s blog. When a topic ties to a particular program, look for a link on that program’s overview page as well. Each quarter will have an overarching theme. For the first quarter of 2015, for example, Food for Thought features an in-depth look at post-traumatic stress disorder – an important, ongoing issue throughout the world, but one that is also directly associated with January’s featured program, Collateral Repair Project.
In the first quarter, also look to DFW’s blog for information about other world issues, including menstrual hygiene and the importance of fair trade chocolate in your Valentine’s Day purchases.
With the new focus, Food for Thought’s emphasis will be on generating discussion, which may or may not tie directly to the monthly program focus. At times, the topic will not be connected to the featured program. Sometimes topics will align with featured or sustained programs, sometimes they will address world events, and at other times they will explore interesting and timely issues. With an overarching theme per quarter, there will no longer be a separate Food for Thought for each program.
Food for Thought will not be limited by a specific program focus, but will provide information – what I hope is truly food for thought – about topics that impact DFW grantees and issues that affect the global population.
This broader view will provide information in different and varying formats. Look for newspaper-length stories, short blog posts, infographics and more. When possible, Food for Thought will also let you know how world issues impact the communities in which DFW grantees serve. I am already looking ahead to the second quarter, which will feature information about the Ebola crisis and how it has impacted the communities served by DFW grantees.
Join us online for new and changing information – the ingredients for real Food for Thought.
About the author

Chris is a former practicing attorney who turned to writing as a second career after becoming a stay-at-home mother. She has written award-winning stories and continues to write for a variety of audiences. As a homeschooling parent, her passion for education and lifelong learning grows with each school year. Chris resides in the Upstate of South Carolina with her husband and two children.