Asia Initiatives

Project Title: Organic Backyard Gardens

Location: India

Grant Amount: $48,000

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Gender Equality, Economic Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action, Health, Food Security & Nutrition, Poverty Elimination, Safety and Security

Mission of Asia Initiatives
Asia Initiatives uses Social Capital Credits (SoCCs), an innovative developmental platform, to incentivize acts of social good such as caring for community spaces, planting kitchen gardens, etc. in exchange for goods and services such as agricultural skill development, access to crops, and equipment.

The purpose of this grant is to enable 450 women in remote villages to achieve financial and nutritional independence through organic vegetable gardens, teaching them the skills to maintain and market produce, and improving the nutrition and incomes of themselves, their families, and their communities. This project will be implemented using Social Capital Credits (SoCCS), promoting acts of social good in exchange for training on climate-resilient agricultural techniques as well as the tools and equipment needed to grow sustainable Backyard Nutrition Gardens.

Why We Love This
Participants in this program can anticipate a 200-300% increase in income. Gardens support health and nutrition, but also make an impact on the ecosystem. We also love the innovative use of Social Capital Credits as a means of community building and economic benefit.