Chicuchas Wasi

Location: Peru
Grant Amount: $50,000
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy
Mission of Chicuchas Wasi
The Chicuchas Wasi School for Girls promotes gender equality, self-esteem and human dignity for indigenous girls of rural Cusco, Peru, by educating, empowering and preparing them for economic independence and unlimited opportunity.
CW is educating 112 girls who would not otherwise be in school. No other organizations provide free primary school education for rural indigenous Quechua-speaking girls like CW, including empowerment and leadership training. This grant will fund teacher salaries and the school meal project.
Why We Love This
We love this project because it focuses on an underserved indigenous community in rural Cusco, Peru. By providing comprehensive, quality education, confidence building and personal development, this project is investing in the future leaders of their communities.
Location Map