Clean Start Africa

Project Title: Beyond The Bars: Sustainable Livelihoods for Women Leaving Prison
Location: Kenya
Grant Amount: $45,000
Grantee Website:
Mission of Clean Start Africa
Clean Start Africa works with women, girls, and children impacted by the criminal justice system to restore their dignity and hope for a successful reintegration.
Our grant will fund an economic empowerment program designed to provide sustainable economic opportunities and dignity to women transitioning out of prison in Kenya. Most of the women are poor, illiterate, single mothers, and the sole breadwinners of their families. The program addresses systemic socio-economic injustices and inequalities that contribute to the incarceration and recidivism of these vulnerable women.
Why We Love This
We love that this project works directly with women in prison or recently released, helping them obtain gainful employment and increased self-esteem. Notably, the incarceration of a large portion of women imprisoned in Kenya is directly related to poverty.