Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)

Location: India
Grant Amount: $49,000
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Health, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy
Mission of Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)
GRAVIS works toward the rehabilitation of the rural community, enabling village ownership and control over its environment, institutions, and relations.
The project will address the health aspects of women and girls with a specific focus on their sexual and reproductive health status.
Why We Love This
We love that GRAVIS is working to improve the health and living conditions of women and girls living in the Thar Desert with a community-based and sustainable model. This project seeks to bring self-reliance, leadership and well-being to communities that suffer from chronic food and water insecurity and very low health indicators.
Location Map