
Project Title: Ending Female Genital Mutilation: A Three-Pillar Approach

Location: Kenya

Grant Amount: $48,000

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Gender Equality, Health

Mission of LastMile4D
LastMile4D’s mission is to mobilize resources to ensure that girls and women everywhere, particularly in remote communities, can access information about their rights to health, safety, and gain freedom from gender-based violence.

The purpose of this project is to end Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) by educating, informing, and enlisting community-wide awareness and support.

Why We Love This
Last Mile4D uses a multi-pronged approach to create awareness and eradicate FGM/C in communities that are hard to reach and at the last mile. With the use of innovative technology, real-time monitoring of data, and crises intervention strategies, Last Mile4D has been very successful in sensitizing entire communities, increasing schooling levels among young girls, and advocating for the eradication of FGM/C.


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