No Means No South Africa

Location: South Africa
Grant Amount: $50,000
Grantee Website:
Mission of No Means No South Africa
No Means No is an international nonprofit on a mission to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and children globally. No Means No South Africa is the country-based hub focused on innovation and management of research that will examine the long-term impact and cost-effectiveness of programs and inform ongoing improvements.
This grant supports the work of No Means No South Africa (NMNSA) to end sexual violence against women and children. It delivers an evidence-based sexual violence prevention program to young people in that teaches adolescents of all genders mental, verbal, and physical skills and strategies to avoid and escape from sexual violence and to safely intervene when anticipating or witnessing violence., It also provides psycho-social support and medical/legal referrals for young people who are survivors of abuse.
Why We Love This
We love how this organization tackles such a severe problem and its central theme is that girls have the right to protect themselves. We also loved that the program addresses altering the behaviors of men and boys and recognizing that they are also a large part of the solution. An additional highlight is that the curriculum also includes self-defense and safety training for girls.