Organization for Youth Empowerment

Project Title: Girls Leading Change | Las Niñas Lideran el Cambio

Location: Honduras

Grant Amount: $40,000 over two years

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Health, Gender Equality, Education & Literacy

Mission of Organization for Youth Empowerment
The mission of the Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE) is to create opportunities for young people to empower themselves and transform their lives, families, and communities.

This project equips adolescent girls and young women with critical knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and tools so they can lead healthy, choice-filled lives and advocate for comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health education in their schools and communities.

Why We Love This
The Organization for Youth Empowerment excels in creating spaces for young people to engage with their peers, develop leadership and life skills, and drive change in their communities through the creative arts, media, sports and youth-led initiatives. In Honduras, adolescent pregnancy, early unions, gender-based violence, and economic dependence are just a few of the realities that impact girls and young women’s physical, social, and emotional health and wellbeing. Educational scholarships, comprehensive training in Sexual and Reproductive Health, and advocacy training are designed to increase girls’ self-confidence and self-reliance to break through generational cycles of poverty and transform the world around them.


Location Map