Second Mile Haiti

Project Title: Breaking the Cycle of Undernutrition in Haiti

Location: Haiti

Grant Amount: $40,000

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Gender Equality, Economic Sustainability, Health

Mission of Second Mile Haiti
The mission of Second Mile Haiti is to fight childhood malnutrition and improve outcomes for impoverished women and children through innovative, research-driven, residential malnutrition and maternity centers, and by going the Second Mile to invest in families through education, training, and business.

By providing support for malnutrition, maternal and child health, and self-sufficiency programs at its San Raphael Family Center, this project will improve the long-term health and economic well-being of families in Haiti.

Why We Love This
We love Second Mile Haiti's vision to solve the systemic problems of acute malnutrition in children in their communities. The live-in recovery center allows mothers to care for their malnourished children, with the support of health educators and nurses. Caregivers then learn both about health and nutrition and business skills to develop a microenterprise. These two interventions ensure the long-term health and economic well-being of the family. Most importantly, it breaks the cycle of parents who live in extreme poverty giving up their children to orphanages because they cannot afford to feed them.


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