Tanzania Nursing Scholarship Program

Project Title: Nursing Scholarship Program Supplement

Location: Tanzania

Grant Amount: $35,000 - Over Two years

Grantee Website: www.tanzanianursingstudents.org

Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Leadership Development

Mission of Tanzania Nursing Scholarship Program
To support academically qualified and financially needy young women in their goal of attaining a profession as a registered nurse and registered midwife.

The Tanzania Nursing Scholarship Program (TNSP) sponsors and promotes young women in Tanzania to achieve a diploma as registered nurses/midwives. Attaining professional status assures their financial stability and independence and allows young women to assist their families and communities to better health and well-being thereby elevating the lives of all.

Why We Love This
We love the fact that professional degrees in nursing and midwifery will bring 25 bright young students, dignity, self-reliance and increased esteem in the eyes of their families and communities, and that their training will bring vital medical care to the people of Tanzania.


Location Map