Stephanie Sawyer: Our Social Media Curator for 5 Years
We are grateful for the dedicated service that DFW member Stephanie Sawyer has provided as our Social Media Curator for the past five years. Stephanie is now stepping down from this role, moving on to a new opportunity, but one with the same mission to empower women and girls in developing countries.
Stephanie first got involved with DFW about 6½ years ago as a leader of the CA, San Luis Obispo-1 chapter. Shortly after, she began managing DFW’s social media which she says was “a perfect fit for me to continue my support of DFW using the skills I had.” In just the past two years alone, a total of 6 million impressions have taken place on DFW’s Facebook page, thanks in large part to Stephanie’s efforts. Over the years, she has also provided consulting on a handful of DFW projects and traveled to Guatemala with a team in 2013.
While fulfilling this important volunteer role, Stephanie also worked first as a marketing consultant and then full-time for Verdin Marketing in San Luis Obispo, CA. She will continue to work with Verdin while also adding a new position with DreamStart Labs as the team leader for DreamLink Africa, a tech startup that designs mobile solutions for women entrepreneurs in developing countries. She will oversee the team in the U.S. and Tanzania as they work together to provide a platform for women entrepreneurs in East Africa. She is also planning a mission trip to India this summer to serve at an orphanage and home in Manali.
“DFW has brought so much to my life,” Stephanie said. “It has been a great joy to be a piece of the work we are doing as an organization. I’ll always be proud of our work and impact, and thankful for the opportunities it has brought me.”
Thank you Stephanie for contributing so much to DFW’s social media presence and to our organization in general!