Growth - Together Women Rise
Growth Mindset
Jun, 2019

Growth Mindset

By Anna Schoon, Dining for Women Regional Leader Committee Chair

Have you ever wondered why some people encounter a challenge and face it courageously and others give up without really even trying? The answer is their mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset, the belief that their potential for success is limited by qualities they possess, like intelligence or talent. In contrast, individuals who believe they can develop qualities by working diligently are said to have a growth mindset. Details

Jan, 2019

What a Year Ahead!

It is so exciting to welcome in 2019 after such a fabulous 2018.

We ended the year with about 450 chapters (and growing as we close out the year) with a goal to exceed 500 chapters in 2019! These new chapters and funds are allowing us to enhance our Sustained Grants program, provide extended education to our members, design an inspiring 2019 International Women’s Day event with national partners, and so much more. Details

Ready, Set, Grow! Will You Be a DFW Ambassador?

By Abbie Sladick, Florida Regional Leader and Chair of the Growth Sub-Committee


Our 2020 Vision set out a bold goal – to grow from 8,000 to 20,000 members by 2020. You may wonder: why such a big goal? The answer is simple – because the need is great. We have yet to achieve gender equality around the world, and women and girls are still struggling and suffering. We want to grow so we can impact even more women and girls! Details

A Dining for Women Chapter in Every City

It was such an honor to receive the baton of leadership from Barb Collins in November.  As Dining for Women’s new board chair, I follow in the footsteps of Barb and Marsha Wallace, who dreamed of making a difference for marginalized women and girls around the world.  What a difference they, and this organization they co-founded, have made in the past 14 years. Details

Our 2020 Vision Achievements

In looking at what DFW has achieved towards our 2020 Vision, the pieces that stand out the most over this year are our partnership with the Peace Corps’ Let Girls Learn Program, welcoming the voices of our members into more areas of decision making than ever before through committees and volunteering, and continuing to present life-changing and inspiring projects and issue education for our members.  I’m excited to share a more in-depth look at our achievements. Details