Vietnamese Hope Foundation

Project Title: Vietnamese Hope Foundation

Location: Vietnam

Grant Amount: $2,760

Grantee Website:

Areas of Impact: Economic Sustainability, Education & Literacy

Mission of Vietnamese Hope Foundation
To improve the quality of life for deprived women and children from remote villages of Vietnam who are denied access to fundamental opportunities as a result of poverty.

The Vietnamese Hope Foundation (VHF) supports elementary school children and their families by providing school supplies, clothing and health items. They also provide a trade and work opportunities for underprivileged women and give women financial assistance to help establish an environment suitable for a family. VHF promotes the rights and interests of women in Vietnam along with a better understanding of women’s contributions to society.

Why We Love This
“The Vietnamese Hope Foundation's sole purpose is to help underprivileged women help themselves. You can't save the world, but you can help a person who is truly in need! Unlike other Foundations we do not sponsor community projects. Our assistance goes directly to individuals. By helping one woman at a time we strive to improve the quality of life for her entire family and each generation to follow” (quote from VHF web site).

VHF wants to develop future grant opportunities, assist ten women with job training, award 10 grants to women to provide startup capital for a home business, and build fences around four preschools to keep the children safe from kidnappers that sell them into slave trades. Once the fences are built, VHF wants to build playgrounds since at this time there are no playgrounds and not one single toy. DFW hopes to help VHF reach their goals and empower Vietnamese women for generations to come.

Location Map