Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project

Location: Uganda
Grant Amount: $45,000
Grantee Website: www.nyakaschool.org
Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Economic Sustainability, Health
Mission of Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project
The Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project is working on behalf of HIV/AIDS orphans in rural Uganda to end systemic deprivation, poverty and hunger through a holistic approach to community development, education, and healthcare.
The TOT program will equip 273 elderly grandmothers raising orphaned children with the business, life, and empowerment skills necessary to improve their lives through peer to peer training programs aimed at improving their life skills, secure micro-finance loans to induce economic stability, and to enable them to cope better with the prevailing situation of being elderly and poor raising small children.
DFW's grant will:
• Train 3 leaders in each of the 91 self-organized groups (over 7000 women, ages 50+ spanning 1000+ square kilometers across two districts in Uganda) as Trainers by the end of 2014.
• 273 Trainers to distribute the trainings to their groups over 3 months of their training.
• 90% of grandmothers in each group to receive the trainings.
Our grant will will pay for training materials, food, travel expenses, radio advertisements, and volunteer allowances. This will directly benefit 7,000 women and indirectly aid 43,000 children.
Why We Love This
Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project targets a unique population that is not often considered and takes a different approach to viewing and dealing with the HIV/AIDS crisis. The train the trainer’s method is usually successful and well leveraged. The program puts the decision making in the hands of groups of women and they make the decisions regarding income, benefits, etc.
Location Map