Smiles on Wings

Location: Thailand
Additional Information
Updated information – May 2015
Grant Amount: $36,867 - Over Two Years
Grantee Website:
Areas of Impact: Education & Literacy, Health
Mission of Smiles on Wings
Smiles on Wings strives to improve the health and well-being of undeserved communities in Thailand by delivering dental care, humanitarian aid, and providing education and training for rural communities.
Smiles on Wings not only provides dental health care, but focuses on enabling long term health services by mentoring and educating young Karen refugee women in a remote Thai village. Young women study nursing, early childhood education and other vocations that will benefit the people in their villages. After completing their degree, these young women are committed to returning to their families and villages. They assume leadership roles within their villages, serve as role models to other young women, and provide essential healthcare and education. DFW’s grant of $36,867 over two years will enable five young Karen women to achieve university degrees in healthcare and education.
Why We Love This
We love this program because in addition to an education, these scholarship recipients will receive much needed mentoring as they leave their communities for higher education. Marginalization of the Karen people - refugees in Thailand, has resulted in impoverishment with lack of access to healthcare and educational opportunity.
We are thrilled to enable young women to attain an education and return to benefit villages with their knowledge and training, while having guaranteed jobs through the Thai government. DFW is committed to making it possible for local women to provide education and healthcare to their villages, reducing the need for outside intervention.
Location Map