Serves 8-12
1‐1/2c whole wheat flour, preferably a fine grind like chapatti flour
1‐1/2c all purpose flour
1‐1/2t baking soda
3‐1/2 ‐ 3‐3/4c seltzer or club soda, unopened until just before use
1/2 t salt (less is OK)
2/3c yogurt
1‐2T lemon juice
Prepare a large flat preferably non‐stick skillet (mine was 12” across) or round griddle by very lightly
coating it with oil (I used a paper towel for this – I almost melted my pastry brush first though!) and
heating over medium‐low heat. You will need a cover to fit this pan. Combine dry ingredients in a large
bowl. Whisk to distribute. Mix seltzer/club soda, yogurt and lemon juice in a large measuring cup or
another bowl. Add to dry ingredients, stirring with a whisk to combine. The batter should be thicker than
crepe batter but thinner than pancake batter. Turn heat under skillet up to medium as soon as you are
ready to cook. Using a ladle or measuring cup, pour about 1/3 cup of batter into pan in a circle or spiral
staring in the middle of the pan. Quickly tilt the griddle to spread the batter and fill any holes – it should
be fairly thin, but thick enough not to tear too easily. They are supposed to be round like giant thin
pancakes, but don’t worry about making them perfect. This first one will fall apart anyway. Cook 20 to 30
seconds uncovered, then cover and cook another 40 – 50 seconds until fairly dry and spongy. Remove to
platter by trying to just lift and edge and slide it out. Eat or throw out if it is a total wreck. Fear not, this
next one and the ones following it will be better. Re‐oil the pan with your oily paper towel and repeat
the process – batter in circle, tilt pan to fill holes and spread batter, and cook. Slide onto platter. Soon
you will have a nice stack of them. See? Better, right? USE LESS BATTER PER INJERA IF YOU HAVE A
SMALLER PAN or they will be too thick and take much longer to cook. They may be kept warm but must
be wrapped somehow to keep them from drying out. And they are GREAT leftover!
Notes and Instructions
Please be prepared for it to take a little getting used to, and the first one of the batch is never any good, just like when you make crepes. But stick with it and you will be happy you did. I made it not once but twice to enjoy with our Ethiopian meals and both times were equally great! Once you have the hang of
it takes less than an hour from start to finish. And if all else fails, you can get great injera from your local
Ethiopian restaurant if you are lucky enough to have one! But TRY it!
Serves 8 – 12, depending on how big your injera, (and your appetites!) are.
Recipe Source: Adapted from http://www.food.com/recipe/injera-140763