Fundraising - Together Women Rise
Setting up a Together Women Rise Fundraiser

Setting up a Together Women Rise Fundraiser

This year, we have a new tool to help our members create their own fundraisers for the Together Women Rise annual appeal. Several chapter leaders and members have already set up their fundraisers, including Debra Berman, our Central Regional Leader. We recently spoke with Debra about the individual fundraiser she set up using this new tool.  Details

President’s Perspectives: Looking Ahead to 2021 and An Exciting New Name

Most of us welcomed 2021 with high hopes and an eagerness to leave the uncertainty of last year behind us. COVID-19 has certainly changed the way Dining for Women works, at least for now, and we will continue to assess how the pandemic has changed the world around us. In 2020, we asked our grantees to patiently wait until this year to receive their full grants as we experienced uncertain cash flow; we asked our members to transition to meeting virtually; and we asked our staff to work remotely. Every week seemed to bring a new challenge! We heard the drumbeat that one-third of US nonprofits would close in 2020 and carefully made decisions to ensure DFW would still be standing here now. Details

Oct, 2020

Announcing the 2020 DFW Art Allure

Deb Grove, artist and generous member of Dining for Women’s CA, Orinda-1 chapter, has donated many pieces of art, each valued at $1,000, for DFW donors who give $5,000 or more in 2020!  Donors will be contacted to select their piece of art after their gift is received. The 2020 Art Allure will run until art is unavailable.  The full collection will be announced in an email to members soon. Details

Sharing Best Practices: DFW’s Annual Appeal

By Susan Tocher, co-leader of the CO, Boulder-1 chapter

What do you love about Dining for Women?  The women who belong, our connection to the world, and the hope it gives me were responses from my chapter members recently.  As we gather each month, we receive these gifts which touch our hearts.  The connection we feel with each other and with DFW brings each of us back.  The friends we have made here, and those across the globe, enrich our lives.  The smiles and laughter on the videos show us the tangible difference our gifts make to our grantees, and bring hope to us.  Our interconnection becomes obvious as our awareness expands.  It is a reciprocal partnership. We give to them, and they give to us.  We are lifting all our members and all our recipients up. Details

Aug, 2019

Have Fun and Support Dining for Women with Chapter Fundraisers

By Betty Purkey-Huck, Rocky Mountain Regional Leader and Chair of the Chapter Health & Retention Committee

Want a fun way to raise money to support DFW? Have a chapter fundraiser. Fundraisers are not only a good way to raise money, they can also be a great way to build relationships and community within your chapter, spread the word about DFW locally, and possibly encourage new members to join. Details

Set Up Recurring Donations for 2017

By Leslie Mason, DFW Accounting Specialist

Monthly recurring donations are the easiest and most convenient way for you to give to DFW, even if you cannot attend your chapter meeting that month. They also provide a predictable source of income that we can count on to fulfill our mission.

So what does it mean to be a recurring donor? It means that your credit card or bank account will be set up by DFW to be charged on a certain date every month according to your specific instructions. You can change or cancel your automatic withdrawal at any time.

Did you know?….

  • DFW currently has 172 donors that make monthly recurring bank drafts.
  • All DFW staff members donate by bank draft.
  • Bank drafts are the most cost-effective and time-efficient donation processing method DFW offers.


Feb, 2016

The DFW “Salon”: An Alternative Chapter Model

By Leslye Heilig, Co-Leader, Northeast Region and Chapter Leader of MA, Great Barrington-1 and 2

For the past four years, I have been the Chapter Leader of a large, successful potluck dinner-based chapter, with approximately 25 to 50 members attending each month. This past spring, at the request of some members who did not feel comfortable driving in rural areas at night and who were looking for a more intimate and in-depth discussion, I started a daytime chapter. I continue to lead both chapters, and thoroughly enjoy each of them for their very different yet equally wonderful aspects. Details