Impact Partnership Grants Fund Collaborative Approach to Gender Equality

Impact Partnership Grants Fund Collaborative Approach to Gender Equality

Thanks to your generous support of Together Women Rise in 2021, our Board has approved two, $50,000 Impact Partnership Grants to AMPLIFY Girls and The Colectivo.

In the past, we awarded Impact Partnership Grants to UNICEF USA and the Peace Corps. Our new Impact Partnership Grants are taking us in a new direction, funding “collectives” — networks of organizations working together to increase their impact on a shared goal. “By funding this collective approach, we can have a deeper impact and more sustainable outcomes for women and girls,” said Betsy Smulyan, Interim President and CEO. “We are particularly excited to invest in AMPLIFY and The Colectivo because these networks include several of Rise’s past grantees.”


A Systems Change Approach in Action

Part 2 in a series of blogs by Scott Osborne, Member of Together Women Rise’s Grant Selection Committee

Last month, we looked at systems change and why that is such a powerful way to achieve our long-term gender equality goals.

A systems change approach says, in effect, let’s devote more time and resources to change the societies, economies, and laws that perpetuate gender inequality, instead of repeatedly helping each new generation of women struggling under these inequities. It says, let’s directly address the lower wages, the gender-based violence, the lack of land ownership, the unequal political representation, all the root cause inequities that women experience around the world. Details

Nov, 2018

Guatemala 2018 — Day 6 – Women’s Justice Initiative

By Suzanne Spitzer, Dining for Women member, SC, Greenville-7 chapter



Guatemala faces some of the highest levels of violence against women and girls in the world, has the third highest femicide rate globally, and ranks third lowest in the region on the Gender Inequality Index. Rural indigenous women and girls are disproportionately impacted due in part to their social isolation and limited access to resources. Details

Feb, 2018

Join DFW at CSW62!

New York and Northeast chapters are invited to attend a panel presentation about gender-based violence during CSW62, the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), to be held March 14 in New York.  Dr. Veena Khandke, DFW’s Director of Grants and Partnerships, will represent DFW as the primary sponsor of this session, which is co-sponsored by UNICEF USA. Details

Feb, 2018

The Proven Platter – Guatemala, March 2018

Hello Diners!

I am pretty excited about what I’ve got planned for you this month. The country of Guatemala is on the docket. We’ll start out with some guacamole and chips, Guatemalan style, just to whet our appetites. Then it’s on to the main course, Fiambre Rojo. Think of an enormous Italian antipasto platter and you’ll get the idea of what fiambre is all about. And for dessert, how about some dark chocolate crepes filled with a dreamy dulce de leche filling? Yes, please! Details